Monday, August 17, 2009

South Spain: Sevilla

I confess - I love the cross!
You did this for me.
Christopher Columbus' perpetual cortege.

Bits of a frieze from the Alcazar Real at Sevilla.

I caught this fair maiden at play in the forbidden gardens.

How tourists ruin the perfect photo.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Every 300 years a few people are lucky to see a celestial event like this. The heavenly spheres were aligned.

Why they put the cookie jars so high up I don't know, nor can I believe that no one in Vilanova has a ladder.
Nell and her beloved, illuminating the night with their post-wedding glow.
Park Guell, Gaudi's phantasmagoric splendorama.
Strutting through the Gothic quarter.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the Kate.

2AM in the square, where we saw a man dressed up like a bull for his bachelor party, his friends as matadors.
Dinner in Born with the kids' friends and family. Many deliciousnesses with the tuna and the olive-tomato bread.
Mirella and I on a bikeshare bike. Riding so really hurt, so we didn't get that far.

Guilleme, one of our lovely hosts and a through-and-through yogi, adopts this his favorite crouch. Kate is amused.