Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cafe Mosaico and Flamenco

Brunch this morning with Lou and Steve, after I got taken for a ride by a taxi. I know I've reached a milestone in my Spanish speaking, since I let him have it, accusing him of singling out foreigners and how dare he and all that. Must've worked, since he didn't charge me. Above is the view from Cafe Mosaico, with a building burning in the background. We clocked the response time at 20 minutes, which would be horrific in any city, but even worse here.

Because all the houses have bars around every orifice. In other words, buildings here are zombie-proof. But they are also nearly escape-proof. EekGads!

Here's Lou laughing at something Steve (above) said. Steve said he once, while walking down the sidewalk in London, tried to avoid being noticed by a girl he had dallied with, by hiding behind a lampost. Yes, behind a lampost.

After brunch, I wandered the city in search of souvenirs, without success; however, I did succeed in nursing my flu to full strength. I am now enswined, and I can't rid myself of the fear that somewhere, maybe here in one of the tall dark church towers, Bavmorda is cursing us all.

Next, in which I crash a going-away party and get treated to live Flamenco and motherly affection.

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